We kindly remind the IATI Community that redirects for API calls to https://iatidatastore.iatistandard.org to IATI’s Datastore API version 3 will be removed on 11 July. After this date, users will need to access the Datastore API version 3 via the IATI API Gateway.

These redirects were implemented to enable users to transition from using version 2 of the Datastore to version 3. As announced in January 2022 these redirects would be in place for 6 months to facilitate a gradual transition to using the API Gateway.

Guidance and support

We’ve produced a series of user guides and documentation to help you to use the IATI Datastore version 3 API:

  • How to use the API Gateway: Instructions on how to sign up for an account on the API Gateway. An account is needed before you can start using the IATI Datastore API.
  • How to use the new IATI Datastore API: A step-by-step guide on how to form queries using the API. A link to the full SOLR documentation is included within this guide.
  • IATI Datastore version 3 API Contract: API features that IATI is committed to maintain. IATI will not introduce breaking changes within version 3 of the Datastore API i.e. the format of queries and data received will not change within version 3.
  • Transitioning from iati.cloud to the IATI Datastore API version 3: Lays out the differences between the previous version of the IATI Datastore (now IATI.cloud) and the new IATI Datastore version 3 API. Includes instructions on how to edit your queries so the same data is returned.

Please get in contact with the IATI Technical Team for support requests or any questions about this transition: support@iatistandard.org.

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