We would like to be able to label all activities from UK government related to the International Climate Facility (ICF). Obviously we could add “ICF” to every activity title or description, but is there a better, more structured way using one of the other fields?

I would rather use a core field rather than an extension as it mean that tools like OIPA and Datastore will pick that up.

Comments (3)

Rory Scott
Rory Scott

Hello John,

It depends on how structured you want the element to be. One approach which would lead to fairly structured data, but using quite a flexible element is to include an additional description element of type 4 - other to then include a specific tag for activities related to the International Climate Facility:

  <!--rest of activity-->
  <description type="1">
     <narrative>Original activity description: principle operations etc.</narrative>
  <description type="4">
  <!--rest of activity-->

Another, more structured approach could be to use the policy marker element and a custom DFID vocabulary:

<policy-marker vocabulary="99" vocabulary-uri="http://dfid.customvocabs.com/policy-marker-vocab.html" code="IFC" significance="3" />

Here you could host a page explaining the way you’ve encoded this information along with a table of values, which could be referenced in the vocabulary-uri attribute, and you could use the significance codelist as is.

Do either of these solutions look tenable to you? If not there maybe more, but I’d have to have a think!


Wendy Rogers
Wendy Rogers

Interesting question John Adams . My first thought was whether you could integrate ‘ICF’ as a value on either your own ‘Sector’ or ‘policy-marker’ code vocabularies (‘99’)? Would that work?

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