
TOSSD- use of IATI data

Petya Kangalova
Petya Kangalova • 28 May 2021

Hi IATI Connect users!

Last Friday I attended a TOSSD capacity building seminar which gave an overview of TOSSD and the first data collection for the year 2019: https://tossd.online/

About a year ago I support the OECD DAC in doing a mapping of IATI elements to TOSSD SQL file. In the workshop on Friday, I was interested to understand if any of the bilateral or multilateral organisation that provided TOSSD data used their IATI data internally to generate the additional TOSSD information. As I understand UNDP Abdul Riza  have used IATI data for their TOSSD reporting?

I thought it will be useful to start a discussion post here if there is any useful knowledge sharing from other  organisations on how they have used their IATI data to avoid duplication and reduce effort for TOSSD reporting. I know that there isn't a direct mapping for all TOSSD elements, but there is substantial overlap.

If this discussion is relevant to you and you have used IATI for your TOSSD reporting, please share your insights here!

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