Hi everyone,

Please see the updated IATI humanitarian guidance post in here: https://iaticonnect.org/discussion/updated-iati-humanitarian-guidance-r…

During the consultation it became clear from the community that there are a number of outstanding questions/ new areas of humanitarian guidance that require further discussion with the wider humanitarian community. Therefore these issues have not been incorporated in the updated guidance released today. 

Initial discussions on those outstanding questions will start in this thread w/k 22nd of February and will be open to all IATI Connect users.

Comments (1)

Petya Kangalova
Petya Kangalova Moderator

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing well. I just wanted to update that we will shortly be adding the agreed humanitarian guidance to the IATI website.  We will update the community once it is live.

Following up on this thread, I wanted to see if there is interest in any of the specific outstanding questions (I have pasted below so it is easier to follow). Do let us know by responding to this thread.

I will then create a specific topic for that questions to make it easier to start discussion.


  • Categorisation of organisations
  • Humanitarian-development-peacebuilding nexus?
  • Definition of ‘humanitarian’


HUMANITARIAN FLAG: Activities with the humanitarian flag set to 1, can be either wholly or partially humanitarian.

Given that adding another flag would require a major upgrade. Can we create a methodology that allows us to identify partially humanitarian activities using v2.02+ data?

Elements/attributes we can use:

  • Humanitarian flag at activity
  • Humanitarian flag attached to individual transactions
  • DAC sector codes at activity level with assigned percentage
  • DAC sector code assigned to each transaction
  • Are there any others?

HUMANITARIAN SECTOR CODES: Do you use the humanitarian sector codes for all activities where you have added the humanitarian flag? 

HUMANITARIAN SCOPE:  How are you currently using the humanitarian scope? Would it be useful to be able to publish the humanitarian scope at the transaction level, if this was made possible in the Standard? (a major upgrade will be required). 

BUDGET FOR RAPID ONSET EMERGENCIES:  Please provide examples you've encountered of Rapid Onset Emergencies in which budgets cannot be provided? Would you be using the budget-not-provided attribute?

LOCAL ACTORS: How should we differentiate between a National NGO and a Partner Country based NGO?

HUMANITARIAN CLUSTERS: Do you think that organisation need to link to clusters even if not directly relevant? What are the pros and cons of all humanitarian activities being linked to humanitarian clusters?

AID TYPE (EARMARKING CATEGORY, EARMARKING MODALITY, CASH AND VOUCHER): How are you currently publishing/ plan on publishing  earmarking categories and modalities? Are you using default-aid type at activity level or will be adding to transaction level? Are you able to publish data using the Earmarking Category and/or Modality? Can you provide us with some examples? Can you provide us with some examples of how your organisation would be declaring cash and voucher contributions? Would you be using disbursement and expenditure type transactions?

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