On behalf of the Grand Bargain transparency workstream, Development Initiatives has just launched a new prototype visualisation of funding to the Covid-19 global development response, using FTS and IATI data.

The prototype aims to encourage the use of data on Covid-19 financing by demonstrating how it can be made more accessible and showcasing its potential. It has been developed with leading donors and aid organisations who have committed to greater transparency through the Grand Bargain and reacted quickly to demands for increased transparency around humanitarian and development finance during the pandemic.

You can read the blog here and explore the visualisation yourself via the following link:


The visualisation is updated automatically nightly, and includes all data published according to the IATI Covid-19 Publishing Guidance. Any newly published data will automatically be picked up. Many thanks to the large number of organisations that have already published data!

Very much welcome feedback and further discussion!

Comments (3)

Michelle Levesque
Michelle Levesque

Mark Brough This version of the website says the data comes from FTS but no longer references IATI. Is there a reason it is no longer sourced from IATI as well?

Kind Regards,

Mark Brough
Mark Brough

Hi Michelle,

I think you are referring to the yellow banner at the top of this page:

This is a prototype visualisation to track the Covid-19 response. The data on this page comes from UNOCHA’s FTS. Read more on the about page.

The data on the first page (contributions) comes from FTS. The data on other two pages (activities and flows) comes from IATI.

On the other two pages you see a different yellow banner:

This is a prototype visualisation to track the Covid-19 response. The data on this page comes from IATI. Read more on the about page.

Maybe the first page could also refer to data on the other pages being provided by IATI? Happy to receive feedback on how things could be made clearer!

Michelle Levesque
Michelle Levesque

Thank you for the clarification. And I would agree that on the initial landing page it would be good to reference the data sources tapped into for the site. If there is FTS specific data on that same page it could also say that.

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