It has now been two months since IATI launched guidance on how to publish and use IATI data relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. The IATI Secretariat is holding a webinar to provide an update on what IATI COVID-19 data is now available and understand what more can be done to meet the needs of data users.

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Draft Agenda - Tuesday 30 June 3:30-5pm UK time.

Analysis of COVID-19 data

The Secretariat is currently undertaking analysis of COVID-19 data published so far. The analysis will help provide a better understanding on which organisations are publishing, how they are publishing, what this data tells about COVID-19-related activities, and if/how this data meets user needs.

Based on this analysis, the Secretariat will engage specific organisations with the goal of improving the volume and quality of COVID-19 data published. We encourage organisation that have not yet published data, to use the IATI publishing guidance to do so as soon as possible., This will enable the Secretariat to include as many datasets as possible in the analysis, provide assistance to address specific issues arising and identify and discuss systemic issues with the broader community.

This webinar will be an opportunity to share these findings with the community and to continue discussions on if/how further adjustments are needed to publishing to ensure that this data meets the needs of IATI data users. We will also share guiding questions to registered participants in advance of the webinar.

Comments (3)

IATI Technical Team
IATI Technical Team

Hi everyone,

In addition to the slides and recording of the webinar, combining inputs provided on Discuss and in the Webinar, we have summarised some of the key takeaways on each discussion topic which will inform our next steps. We will not be immediately making any changes to the IATI publishing guidance as we want to explore further the recommended approaches for addressing the issues discussed (detailed below), so do please continue to follow the guidance as is and share with others! More details on each discussion questions have been included in the presentation slides.

Discussion 1: How can we identify resources specifically allocated to COVID-19?


  • Strong opposition for option 3 (transaction/@ref)
  • Support for options 1 and 2 (tag or humanitarian scope at transaction level) as a potential longer term option with understanding that it will require an upgrade
  • Some support for parent/child activity option but only if existing activity structure supports this (e.g. UNDP)
  • Concern on use of sector percentage split, but temporarily used by some orgs

Way Forward: Given support for options 1 and 2, we would like to assess more widely if implementing one of these options is indeed viable for publishers in the long run. An update on next steps in this process will be shared on Discuss.

Discussion 2: How can we identify funding diverted / repurposed due to COVID-19?


  • Caution against splitting activities purely to show repurposed funding – only advisable to do this if structure of activities already supports it
  • Identify at the transaction level where possible but no agreed approach of how to do this

Way Forward : The feedback received indicates that many publishers are still determining how to track this internally and given there is not yet a proposal on which there is agreement, we will continue to welcome inputs on this question and include it in future discussions.

Discussion 3: For which activities should the GLIDE and HRP COVID-19-specific codes be included in the humanitarian scope element?


  • Varies by publisher whether it is possible (based on institutional decisions) to use GLIDE code for development activities.
  • Additional clarification on use of codes for humanitarian and development activities will be useful to add in future updates to the guidance

Way Forward: If/when the guidance is updated in the future, these clarifications will be included.

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